Mold Resources

“What do I do after remediation?" It’s an important question. How do you ensure that your home REMAINS a healthy environment for you and your family? Plus, after spending all of that time, brainpower, effort, and money dealing with the contamination, the last thing you want to do is go through the whole process again. 

Our answer is to gradually begin adding steps to your home maintenance routine to foster a safe space. 

With that in mind, here are 8 steps to take after remediation to foster a safe environment.

1. Clean, and Clean Often

Deep clean after remediation and then set up a routine cleaning schedule to ensure your home remains in tip-top shape. We can’t exactly put a bubble around our houses, so particles like mold spores and mycotoxins will inevitably blow inside. It’s up to us to actively work to keep particle levels low. Deep cleaning regularly (including appliances) helps remove particles like spores, bacteria, and toxins. This improves air quality and decreases the likelihood of microbial growth.

 2. Test Your Dust Annually

Testing this dust once a year will help to determine exactly what’s hanging out in your home and alert you to any potential abnormalities. 

3. Spring Clean Annually

This is a great way to declutter a home and get it ready for the warm months ahead, and is an essential step in helping keep our homes healthy, especially after remediation. The cleaner they are, the safer they will be.

4. Change the HVAC Filters

Dirty air filters will affect their ability to filter, leading to lower indoor air quality. It can also put a strain on the HVAC system as it works overtime to pull air through the clogged material.

5. Invest in a Whole Home Air Purifier

These systems are installed at the home’s point of entry and will effectively remove contaminants from the air so that the HVAC system can run efficiently. 

6. Routinely Check for Problems

The sooner you can catch a problem, the better. This will help avoid contaminants from moving in and, if they’re already present, decrease the number of particles released that will lower your indoor air quality.

7. Schedule HVAC Service Appointments

Routinely scheduling a professional to come in and service the HVAC in the spring and fall, before the warmer or cooler weather settles in, can help avoid  contaminant catastrophes.

8. Remember to Breathe

After remediation, take moments throughout the week to focus on self-care and relaxing, especially if you’re working on healing! It’s difficult to detox when the body is under constant stress and thinking there’s something it needs to battle.  

Learn More About After Remediation Plans

For product recommendations as well as more information on each of the steps above, check out our article below.

Still Have Questions?

A member of our team is here to help!  Click on “Get Started ➤” below to book a consultation with a member of the HOMECLEANSE team. We have a few quick questions that will help us put together a roadmap to solve or prevent all of your mold problems.

Two minutes of your time could lead to better health for you and your family.